Tuesday 12 February 2019

How to load author client libraries only in the edit mode in sightly?

The below code loads the client library only in the preview and edit mode.

<sly data-sly-test="${wcmmode.preview || wcmmode.edit}" data-sly-call="${clientLib.all @ categories='category.name'}"/>

Thursday 7 February 2019

Creating system user | How to create system user in aem cq

System users help us play with the aem reources, make changes and commmit it programmatically. Creating a system user involves couple of steps, the same is illustrated below.

Step 1:: Access crx explorer from the link http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/index.jsp.

Step 2:: In order to create system user, you should have logged in with the Administrators credentials. Click on login on the crx explorer dashboard.

Step 3:: Click the option called "User Administartion". This now opens up a new window , Click "Create system user" to create one.

Step 4::  Fill the details :: User iD -> system(this is just the user id of the user, can be any name).
Enter the intermediate path: /home/users/system

Step 5:: Select the small green tick to complete the step.

Congratulations!!! You just created a system user.

extraClientlibs Usage

The purpose of property "extraClientlibs" is to selectively load client library for a dialog. This prevents the unnecessary load o...